RSDx Symposium – Architecture within trans-scalar Systemic Design of Regenerative Cultures
Watch for this special symposium this fall 2022. The date and details will be announced via the SDA newsletter (Systemic Design Association).

In these highly dynamic and complex times, we increasingly realise the interconnectedness within systems of practice. The built environment as our focal systems scale is a meaningful and rich illustration of requiring an even faster and stronger shift in designing for regeneration – in its culture, encompassing practice and training. RSDX Architecture focuses on interdisciplinary and systems-thinking/doing culture to the theme of regenerative design in the context of architecture and the social-ecological environment across scales of governance and space.
Organised by ETH Zurich, TU Wien, and AHO Oslo, this special RSDX symposium will elaborate transformative action for more systemic practices in architecture to foster regenerative cultures across scales of governance and space. The hybrid format will include several levels of participation and, following the event, an open-source resource on
The symposium features a set of pre-recorded provocations provided by a group of contributors. Day one features online participatory fishbowl conversations, which are also open to interested observers. Contributors are also invited to a two-day in-person event centered around an outdoor exploration of the building-community-landscape scale in a Zurich nearby mountain location.
More information Systemic Design Association