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Designing for Resilience: RE:GENERATE Alpine-urban circularity”

Designing for Resilience: RE:GENERATE Alpine-urban circularity”

How to revive mountain livelihoods, focusing on local identity, resilient landscapes and a regenerative economy? What: ETHZ Master course by Systemic Design Labs. When: spring term 2019. Instructors: Tobias Luthe, Justyna Swat, Haley Fitzpatrick, Anna Rodewald Design challenge The specific design challenge is to identify and layout a holistic, partly quantified and visualized systems strategy…

Phd Summer School “Designing for Resilience: RE:GENERATE Alpine-urban circularity”

Phd Summer School “Designing for Resilience: RE:GENERATE Alpine-urban circularity”

An experiential educational co-creation hybridizing science, design, social outdoor joy, and local people action.  What: ETH-EPFL PhD Summer School When: June 2021. Instructors: Tobias Luthe (ETH), Romano Wyss (EPFL), PhD students of ETH and EPFL as organizers; many further professors, policy makers, practitioners Organized by ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, MonViso Institute. Partnering with The Oslo School…